Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Our aim at Investinor is to handle your personal data with full discretion and respect. For this reason, we wish to inform you about how we use your personal data.

Our website uses information capsules, also known as ‘cookies’. When you visit our website, you give your consent to us installing cookies in your browser. This is standard technology. We do not store information that can identify you as a person.

What are cookies?

In order to improve our website by analyzing usage patterns, we use cookies to gather information. This is standard internet technology, used by the vast majority of websites. Our aim here is for us to learn more about the way you use our content online so that we can provide you with a better customer experience when you next visit our site.

The cookie is installed into the internal memory of your browser, and gathers log files that contain information about such things as IP-addresses, browsers, operative systems and website use/navigation. The information is stored either on our servers or with a third party.

More recent browsers such as Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari accept cookies automatically. This means that you must actively adjust your settings if you do NOT want to accept cookies. Please note that such adjustments to your settings may result in the non-optimal function of many websites.

Cookies used on our website

Google Analytics – cookies that collect information about how visitors use the website. We use this information to create reports and improve the website. The cookies only collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors, where they come from, and which pages they visit.

Comments or questions?

We always aim to comply with current privacy regulations. If you have further questions about the information that is stored or our privacy policies, please contact us at or use the contact form.

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