Shares of poLight ASA were today listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange
Shares of poLight ASA were today listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The company has more than 500 shareholders following its successful initial public offering.
“We are very excited by the strong support received from both institutional and retail investors. Becoming a listed company is an important step for poLight and strengthens our position as we work towards a commercial breakthrough. We look forward to continuing to develop poLight as a publicly listed company together with our existing and new shareholders,” says Øyvind Isaksen, CEO of poLight.

poLights administrerende direktør Øyvind Isaksen ringer i børsbjellen, med blant andre administrerende direktør ved Oslo Børs, Bente A. Landsnes(nr tre fra venstre), og Investeringsdirektør i Investinor, Ann-Tove Kongsnes(nr fire fra venstre).