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Ane Tolnes Haugdal

  • Associate

Ane Tolnes Haugdal


+47 952 56 443

Ane Tolnes Haugdal holds a M.Sc. in Business and Administration from NHH with specialization in Economic Analysis. She previously worked as an Accountant at PwC before returning to student life as a doctoral fellow at NTNU. Ane joined Investinor in 2020 as an Associate on the investment team. Outside of work, she enjoys mountaineering and is a keen, although according to herself still inexperienced, randonee skier.

Ann-Tove Kongsnes

  • Investment Director

Ann-Tove Kongsnes

Investment Director

+47 930 54 975

During her 20-year career, Ann-Tove Kongsnes has obtained extensive experience in venture capital investments in health and technology enterprises. She has also worked with M&A, IPOs and technology company exits. She currently focuses primarily on new investments and on Investinor’s portfolio companies within the health sector, including biotechs, pharmas, medtech and digital health enterprises. She also works with some of our semiconductor/deep tech companies and sits on the Boards of both listed and private companies. She holds an MSc in Economics and Business Administration from the former Bodø Graduate School of Business (HiB), and has completed the Advanced Program in Corporate Finance at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Anne-Tove is highly motivated to work closely with entrepreneurial teams and with companies that have the potential to make a difference for patients and customers worldwide. Her mantra is “Stay positive, work hard and make it happen!”

Birgitte Gangmark Villmo

  • Investment Director

Birgitte Gangmark Villmo

Investment Director

+47 906 88 347

Birgitte holds an M.Sc. in Financial Economics from NTNU and an MFin from MIT. She has a background in international asset management and equity analysis from NBIM where she also did a 1-year secondment at UBS. After several years of working outside of Norway, she moved back to Trondheim in 2017 and subsequently joined Investinor.

Birgitte dedicates most of her time to Investinor’s healthcare portfolio, hoping to be part of the team that brings the next great Norwegian medical innovation to the international market. She thinks “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know” adequately sums up how it’s like to be a start-up investor. Outside of work, Birgitte enjoys creative hobbies and being in nature, as well as attempting to get in running shape.

Christian Wolff-Skjelbred

  • Investment Director

Christian Wolff-Skjelbred

Investment Director

+47 400 05 354

His role as Investment director (2014-) for seed capital funds is varied. Christian enjoys everything from being part of the teams setting up funds to be a part of the board of directors in our portfolio of funds. Telling the story about the seed capital funds to our stakeholders and others is also a part of his role, about how the Norwegian government through Investinor and our funds is creating value through investing in early stage companies with international growth potential.

We are facing significant challenges in many ways today, and his choice to join the Investinor team was a “no brainer”. He is proud to be a part of a team that is in the forefront of developing ESG policy and «investing today for the world of tomorrow”. He believes we have a strong purpose which will have a positive impact far beyond Investinor. Christian is also involved in following up of our role in InvestEU and has a special assignment to follow up our collaboration with Innovation Norway.

He has six years of experience from auditing and consulting and fifteen years of experience in corporate financial direction and team leadership from top-tier, private and public owned companies. Christian has been responsible for several M&A processes and has also been a part of start-up teams - so he knows how it feels! The breadth of roles allows him to leverage many aspects of the experience he has gained previously and allows him to have a role in many processes both inside and outside Investinor.

Egil Garberg

  • Investment Manager

Egil Garberg

Investment Manager

+47 902 30 616

Egil has been with Investinor since 2015, primarily focusing on the software and deep tech sectors. He holds an M.Sc. from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), as well as minors from Alliance Manchester Business School and University of Auckland. Egil previously worked as an analyst and project manager at Sparebank1 and PWC respectively. At Investinor, he gets to combine his interests for asset management and active ownership and regards it a true privilege to work in the intersection between technology and finance. Egil is however first and foremost a family man, balancing work with the role as Head of Logistics for his three children. He also continues to have a somewhat optimistic ambition to exercise more.

Elizabeth Fremstad

  • IT Manager

Elizabeth Fremstad

IT Manager

+47 928 81 179

Elizabeth made the move to from Western Norway to what is known as Friendly Trøndelag in 2015. She joined the Investinor team in 2020. Elizabeth holds a B.Sc. in Digital Business Development from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and wrote her bachelor thesis in cooperation with Kværner Verdal.

At Investinor, Elizabeth focuses on digitization and ensures that the company’s daily processes run as smoothly as possible.

Erik Hoelseter

  • Controller

Erik Hoelseter


+47 908 45 054

Administration from Lillehammer University College and before his studies he worked for several years as a general manager in the grocery company Kiwi. Erik is concerned with the numbers and is motivated by contributing to good results by being a good team player.
Erik originally comes from Gudbrandsdalen and has lived in Trondheim since 2014. In his spare time, the ambition is to keep in shape, and he gladly take a bike ride to relax.

Erik Wold

  • Investment Director

Erik Wold

Investment Director

+47 906 09 956

Erik Wold holds a Master of Business and Economics from HHN. He has previously worked in Deloitte. Before joining Investinor he was Head of Venture at NTNU Technology Transfer AS (NTNU TTO), a company he co-founded back in 2003. After many years at Gløshaugen he joined the Investinor team in 2019 where he focuses primarly on software- and health companies.

Erik is a team player and loves the motto “under promise and over deliver”, and want to contribute in the making of one or more global tech companies by adding value to our portfolio.

Johan Bøe Bjørkevoll

  • Investment Director

Johan Bøe Bjørkevoll

Investment Director

+47 916 30 386

Johan joined Investinor in 2020 after 15 years of fund investments at Innovation Norway and has previously worked for DNB Asset Management. Johan holds an MBA from the University of Bath, has Executive Corporate Finance studies from NHH and a BBA from Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma and the Institute for European Studies, Vienna. Johan focuses on fund investments in venture capital funds and has a wish to help create a robust and thriving venture capital market in Norway.

As an ex-rugby player Johan is a team player, respects the law of the game and the opponents and puts his body on the line.

Johann Bleivik Wist

  • Associate

Johann Bleivik Wist


+47 986 39 821

Johann holds a MSc with a major in finance from the Norwegian School of Economics. He is a curious and explorative person which contributed to the choice of taking part of exchange programs both at the University of St. Gallen and -Queensland. He joined Investinor in 2020, straight out of school having previously spent a summer as an intern at DNV GL's the Summer Project.

Johann focuses on existing portfolio companies and new investments within both life science and tech. His ambition is to be a part of and help Norwegian world-class companies on their journey towards becoming global champions.

John-Arne Hørløck

  • Investment Director

John-Arne Hørløck

Investment Director

+47 977 90 468

John-Arne holds an M.Sc. from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and Universität St.Gallen. Before joining Investinor in 2013, he worked in advisory, audit and transactional support as a Manager at PWC. At Investinor, John-Arne focuses on technology companies within the energy sector. In his role, he is motivated by understanding how different energy sources can meet future needs.

Cycling and skiing are important free-time activities for John-Arne. He is also known to appreciate a practical challenge or two and does not shy away from doing his own carpentry. As John-Arne puts it himself: “Nothing is impossible, it just takes longer”!

Kirill Tkachenko

  • Associate

Kirill Tkachenko


+ 47 465 95 326

Kirill holds a MSc degree in finance from BI Norwegian Business School. He worked alongside his studies in the startup accelerator program, being involved in scouting, valuing and investing in early-stage Nordic startups, as well as assisting in establishing a pre-seed alternative investment fund. He has also been an intern in Danske Bank Corporate Finance in Oslo. Kirill works across several different sectors in Investinor with a primary focus on SaaS and B2B.

Kirill loves solving challenging tasks and working with internationally oriented and hardworking people.

Kristian Eggan

  • Controller

Kristian Eggan


+47 481 92 425

Kristian holds an MSc in Financial Economics from NTNU, specializing in quantitative analysis. He has broad experience in consulting, auditing, and financial management as a senior associate at RSM Norway. He joined Investinor in 2024, where he now keeps track of the numbers, provides investment support, and ensures the portfolios behave well.

Although his football career has ended, he's ready to set up his colleagues for success with elegant passes and quick financial analyses.

Lina Frammarsvik

  • Manager

Lina Frammarsvik


+47 976 01 362

Lina holds a cand.merc. from Copenhagen Business School with the specialization Finance and Strategic Management, as well as a masters degree in accounting and auditing from NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Prior to her job as a controller in Investinor, Lina worked 5 years in PwC, auditing small- and medium sized businesses within a wide range of industries. Lina puts on her a-game when she gets to deep dive into the financial numbers, or with the squash or PlayStation-controller in hand.

Line Svinndal Lorentsen

  • Legal Counsel

Line Svinndal Lorentsen

Legal Counsel

+47 936 49 599

Line Svinndal Lorentsen has a master’s degree in law from the University of Oslo. Line has worked as a lawyer for several years and has experience with a wide range of commercial law areas. Line also has three years experience as deputy judge in the district court, where she provided a broad experience in managing cicil disputes.

Line likes law and regulations, and she is concerned with making it accessible and communicating it in a clear and understandable way.

Line joined Investinor in 2021 to contribute with her legal expertise in building the businesses of tomorrow.

Linn Hege Aune

  • Head of sustainability and ESG

Linn Hege Aune

Head of sustainability and ESG

+47 928 37 719

Linn Hege holds an M.Sc from NHH and was part of the Erasmus exchange program at Corvinus University of Budapest. She is also a State Authorised Public Accountant. She has experience from EY in Norway and the US within auditing, fraud investigation and anti-corruption.

Linn Hege has been a senior advisor in Norad and worked as a strategic advisor to the Chief Municipal Director of Trondheim.

After working with sustainability, from an international to local level, Linn Hege will be heading up Sustainability & ESG at Investinor and driving strategic priorities and solutions across this space.

Marthe Hammerø

  • Associate

Marthe Hammerø


+47 971 91 013

Marthe has an MSc in Finance and Applied Economics from Copenhagen Business School. She started working for Investinor in 2022, after having worked in transaction advisory and analysis within M&A and corporate real estate. She has also previously worked as a tech and IT consultant.

Marthe enjoys a busy schedule and working with talented people to solve challenges. She particularly motivated by new and innovative solutions to solve world problems. After work, she is a foodie who likes experimenting with different cuisines, with varying success.

Mika Myrseth

  • Associate

Mika Myrseth


+47 920 71 907

Mika holds a master's degree in Industrial Economics and Technology Management. His time as a student included practical experiences through summer jobs at the Oil Fund (NBIM) and the investment bank SEB. Since his time in a technology startup in Upper secondary school, he has learned a lot, especially what one should not do.

Within the investment team, Mika is naturally drawn to everything related to technology. But even with his passion for software and technology, he often finds peace with a physical newspaper and a cup of coffee on the weekends

Morten Bertelsen

  • Communications & Operations Manager

Morten Bertelsen

Communications & Operations Manager

+47 951 98 742

Morten spent close to 20 years in media and communication, primarily at Dagens Næringsliv, before moving into banking and, now, venture capital. He holds an M.Phil. in Sociology and Politics from University of Cambridge and an MBA in Finance from Norwegian School of Economics. He is a Certified European Financial Analyst. Married with two children, Morten is a keen outdoorsman.

Ola Smeby

  • Investment Director

Ola Smeby

Investment Director

+47 452 96 999

Ola has a business education from BI Norwegian Business School and Belarussian State University as well as a Master of Technology Management from NTNU/MIT. He joined Investinor in 2020 having previously worked as Investment Director at Innovation Norway. He also has experience as Investment Professional at Energy Future Invest and as CFO in investment company Centennial, as well as board positions in Norway and internationally.

At Investinor, Ola primarily focuses on fund investments. As a venture investor Ola says you are in it for the long run, but he believes in working together in order to quicker get a home run.

Otto Frøseth

  • Investment Director

Otto Frøseth

Investment Director

+47 900 81 179

Otto holds a B.Sc. from Sør-Trøndelag University College and has also studied business at BI Norwegian Business School. He has 25 years of experience in international and strategic management roles on CEO level at Siemens. At Investinor he focuses on software and deep tech companies in the scale-up stage. Understanding international business culture and different markets are among Otto’s fortes. As Otto often puts it: “If yon want to bring a company to Champion’s League, it helps having been there before”.

Patrick Kartevoll

  • Investment Director

Patrick Kartevoll

Investment Director

+47 911 70 111

Patrick describes himself as a jack of all trades, master of none. Eats spreadsheets for breakfast and legal docs for dinner, but usually prefers dealing with the people behind the docs. He dreams of building a Norwegian giant with a long term triple bottom line, and finds his position in Investinor as ideal for pursuing this dream. In addition to working actively with portfolio companies in multiple sectors, he’s involved in seeking out new talent for Investinor’s venture team.

Patrick co-leads Investinor’s growth equity investments, in addition to holding key roles in other portfolio companies.

Patrick Sandahl

  • Strategy Manager | Investment Director

Patrick Sandahl

Strategy Manager | Investment Director

+47 916 88 198

Patrick joined Investinor in 2018. He has more than 20 years of experience from transaction- and investment services, having previously headed an investment organization and been Partner in a VC fund as well as an investment banker. He also has long experience from board positions in listed and unlisted companies in Scandinavia. Patrick holds a Law Degree from University of Oslo.

Patrick’s motto is “We win together and lose together always as one team”.

Pål Breiland

  • Investment Director

Pål Breiland

Investment Director

+47 959 75 955

Pål joined Investinor in 2011, and after +100 transactions has accumulated a broad experience base from a wide range of sectors and phases. Pål is the manager for Investinor's seed portfolio, is also involved with several more mature scale-ups and has worked with a handful of IPOs. When forced, he will probably admit that companies in IT and aquaculture are closest to his heart. He also has a past as a “quant” with OTC derivatives in NorgesInvestor, and thus has 5 years from "sell side", before he switched to "buy side" at Investinor.

Pål holds a Master of Business and Economics from BI Sandvika. Pål is an outdoor enthusiast, and when he isn’t creating shareholder value, he prefers spending his time with a tent and fishing rod in his backpack.

Rannveig Fadum

  • Investment Director

Rannveig Fadum

Investment Director

+47 902 07 850

Rannveig Fadum is Investment Director within pre-seed investments and the Co-investment fund for Northern Norway.

Before Rannveig started at Investinor she was Investment Director for the pre-seed funds at Innovation Norway and has also been head of Funding for Entrepreneurs. She led the development of the pre-seed funds and the startup loan. She has worked closely with the eco system within early stage funding and has a broad nationwide network. Prior to this she worked within development and industrial design, and she has a solid experience as a team and project manager. She is educated within business and administration from BI Norwegian Business School and entrepreneurship at Babson College.

Rannveig commutes to Telemark and spends the time listening to audio books.

Ronny Vikdal

  • Investment Director

Ronny Vikdal

Investment Director

+47 922 10 120

Ronny Vikdal joined Investinor in 2009 and focuses primarily on existing holdings and new investments in aquaculture and technology companies. Prior to Investinor, Ronny was part of the senior management team (CFO) at Norway Royal Salmon, where he was responsible for existing and new investments, finance and business development. Before that, he was leading consulting assignments both nationally (Norway) and internationally as Manager in KPMG. Earlier in his career, Ronny worked as financial analyst covering aquaculture and technology companies on Oslo Stock Exchange. Ronny holds a BBA in Finance from Norwegian School of Management (BI) and has studied aquaculture at the University of Bergen.

Outside of work, you’re likely to find him running in the forest or hiking in the mountains, enjoying travel, and spending time with his family.

Sten-Roger Karlsen

  • CEO

Sten-Roger Karlsen


+47 922 62 321

Sten-Roger has been involved in building tech and software companies for nearly 20 years, ranging from early-stage startups to publicly traded growth companies. He has successfully led a small Norwegian software firm to become a leading Nordic SaaS player, and has extensive experience in M & A and post-merger integration. Additionally, he has steered a company through its stock market listing and subsequent sale to international industrial owners.

Sten-Roger holds a master's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from NTNU. He serves on the boards of various tech/SaaS companies and is passionately committed to developing profitable companies with global market potential. He thrives in fast-paced environments where teamwork achieves significant results.

Stig Andersen

  • Investment Director

Stig Andersen

Investment Director

+ 47 957 93 633

Before joining Investinor in 2014, Stig worked at Nordea for 19 years in various positions such as Nordic Head of Corporate Research, Director Corporate Finance and Equity Analyst. He has also played a key role in Nordea’s coverage of the global forest industry. Stig holds a PhD in Forestry Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. At Investinor, he is responsible for 500 MNOK AUM reserved for investment in the Norwegian forest industry. He also heads Investinor’s forestry fund Shelterwood.

In his job, Stig identifies with the Norwegian expression “Whole wood” which is used about people who are through-and-through honest and reliable. He spends his leisure time in the mountains and is known as an avid climber, the steeper the better!

Tor Helmersen

  • CFO

Tor Helmersen


+47 930 69 566

Tor Helmersen has been Investinor’s CFO since the establishment in 2008. Preceding this, Tor had worked as CFO in several other companies, both listed and unlisted. Earlier, Tor had a longer period in executive positions in the business side of banking. Tor is a business economics graduate from Oslo Business School (now BI) and holds a MBA degree with specialization in finance from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). In addition Mr Helmersen is a Certified EFFAS Financial Analyst.

As the CFO, Tor is focused on building Investinor’s capital and to develop processes which support the investment activities. A long life with team sports has made Tor a skilled team player, both in sports and at work. No goal is scored without a preceding assist, the same is true for business.

Torjus Randeberg Falkanger

  • Associate

Torjus Randeberg Falkanger


+47 901 47 733

Torjus holds an MSc in Finance from BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. During his studies, he also studied abroad in Minneapolis and Amsterdam. Torjus joined Investinor in 2020, having previously worked as a management consultant at EY within the branch Finance & Performance Management. He also spent a summer as an intern within Corporate Finance at Beringer Finance (now Bryan, Garnier & Co.), and a year as a trainee at Eurosko Norge as Assistant Buyer & Product Developer. Torjus focuses on existing portfolio companies and new investments within technology, health and energy related companies.

After his time as a consultant, his motivation is to help companies develop their business models and strategic focus in order to fuel growth and expansion. During his free time, Torjus enjoys randonee skiing in the mountains of Trøndelag.

Øystein Wikan

  • Investment Manager

Øystein Wikan

Investment Manager

+47 997 86 170

Øystein has a Dual MSc from NHH and Ivey School of Business in Canada. He joined Investinor in 2019, having previously worked with financial advisory in Deloitte and M&A in EVRY Group. Moving back from Oslo was especially welcomed by his English Setter “Kira”, which was getting quite sick of hunting doves at Grünerløkka.

Øystein focuses primarily on existing holdings and new investments in technology companies with a digital angle. After working with tech M&A in EVRY for a couple of years, his motivation was tied up to wanting to help these companies grow and expand. His ambition is to be a part of a journey where a Norwegian tech company successfully has scaled internationally and become a leading player globally within its niche.

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