Investinor’s portfolio gathered at annual CEO day

Published: 17.10.2019

Close to 50 CEOs from Investinor’s portfolio companies were gathered at the annual CEO Day in Trondheim yesterday.

The CEO Day is set up to be a forum where the CEOs of Investinor’s portfolio companies get together to share their experiences and learn from each other, Investinor’s investment team and invited presenters with expertise in their fields.

– It has been busy times since I assumed my role in Investinor earlier this month, but I enjoy busy times, said new Investinor CEO Terje Eidemo before introducing himself and Investinor’s strategy to the portfolio.

– I’ve come to a highly competent and skilled organization. My immediate focus for both Investinor and our portfolio companies will be on continuous improvement of existing processes. We’ll simply be doing the same thing, but even better.

During the last year, ESG has become a high priority in Investinor’s active ownership, and this was an important theme in several of the presentations given during the day. Christian Melby from Summa Equity was invited to speak on the topic of how Summa as a private equity player incorporates ESG and sustainability in their investment strategy.

– UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the mega trends associated with them help us identify the areas where opportunities for disruption and growth can be combined with solving global challenges and achieving high returns, said Melby.

In addition to ESG, this year’s CEO Day focused on various topics within financing and organizational development.

De senere årene har ESG blitt en høy prioritet i Investinors oppfølging av porteføljeselskapene, og dette var også et gjennomgående tema i dagens presentasjoner. Christian Melby fra Summa Equity var invitert for å orientere om hvordan de som private equity-selskap har innført dette tankesettet i sine investeringer.

– FNs bærekraftsmål og tilknyttede megatrender hjelper oss med å peke ut spesifikke områder hvor vi mener mulighetene for vekst eller disrupsjon kan kobles med å løse globale utfordringer og gi god avkastning, sa Melby.

I tillegg til ESG var finansiering og organisasjonsutvikling viktige tema under årets CEO-dag.

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