Our Policy for Responsible and Sustainable Investment Practice
A transparent investment strategy, grounded in our expertise in sustainable solutions, is the key tool we use to position ourselves as the catalyst we intend to be. As a state-owned investment company, it is natural that we have views on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, on how the companies that we invest in relate to these goals, and on how we as investors incorporate this into our investment strategy.
We are signatory to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which in turn form the basis of our Policy for Responsible and Sustainable Investment Practice. This policy outlines the obligations we expect from our own organisation and employees, our portfolio companies and our co-investors.
A key aspect of this policy is that an Environment, Social and (Corporate) Governance (ESG) assessment is always used to inform our investment decisions and exercise of ownership. In practice, this means that each year we conduct an ESG assessment among our portfolio companies, and report our own ESG status in-house.

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